• Clinician Reviews (CR) is written for NP/PAs covering topics of vital interest to health care practitioners. CR reaches more than 300,000 NP/PAs online. 
  • In 2019 CR won a silver award in the Best Use of Infographics category for our Third Annual Job Satisfaction Survey. The survey was fielded to more than 1,200 NP/PAs. 
  • The CR website, mdedge.com/clinicianreviews —part of the MDedge® web portal, provides access to multiple CE/CME offerings, in-depth clinical review and case-based articles, videos, supplements, and various interactive medical quizzes in dermatology, cardiology, and radiology.
  • Daily Rounds e-newsletters, delivered to an average of 336,000 engaged NPs and PAs, and social media posts, alert them to what’s new and relevant to their practice.
  • CR connects to NPs and PAs instantly via social media (Facebook.com/ClinRev and Twitter@ClinRev).
Clinician Reviews®

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Frontline Medical Communications provides unique and unparalleled digital solutions around our trusted brands. Reach your target audience broadly through a custom-published, single-sponsored Clinician Review’s journal and affiliated, mobile-optimized website; and broadcast emails. Or, segment your message and narrow your reach through our unique eDatabase; Clinician for Clinician-IQ interactive self-assessment clinical challenges; or a disease-state microsite built from our credible, authoritative content. Check all of your opportunities in our media kit available here or get in touch with any of our Key Contacts.

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