- 40 Years of publishing founded in 1984, Federal Practitioner® is a monthly peer-reviewed clinical journal and indexed serving more than 35,000 physicians, clinical pharmacists, physician assistants, advanced practice nurses, and medical center administrators working within the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense, and the Public Health Service. Federal Practitioner is the exclusive educational and awareness publishing partner for both AVAHO Association of VA Hematology and Oncology and AVANS Association VA Neurologists.
- Journal articles including case reports, clinical review articles, original research, editorials, columns, and in-depth profiles of new programs and procedures within the federal health care system, have been recognized for their quality by the National Library of Medicine and are now included in PubMed Central®.
- Federal Practitioner® aims to meet the unique needs of those practicing within the federal health care community by keeping the readership apprised of practice guidelines pertinent to treating the nation’s armed forces and veterans and by recognizing the distinct health care perspective these readers possess.
- The Federal Practitioner® website (www.mdedge.com/fedprac, part of the MDedge® web portal) is a robust resource that features monthly digital editions and audiocasts, the digital edition of the Directory of VA and DoD Health Care Facilities, webcasts, a blog community, special issues and supplements, and web-exclusive content, all with a federal health care perspective.
- Fed Prac also has an established app that features all regular issues, special issues, supplements, and the Directory.

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